Task Output Lifecycle
In this document
Outputs for a Task have a lifecycle. That is, a series of states that they can move between. In each state, certain actions can be performed to move the Task Output through the lifecycle.
The lifecycle for a Task Output varies depending if it has an approval requirement or not.
The current Task Output lifecycle state and the available actions for moving a Task Output through its lifecycle are shown in the Task Output View:
Lifecycle of Task Outputs with no Approval Requirement
The following diagram shows the lifecycle states of a Task Output that has no approval requirement, and the available actions in each state.
Lifecycle of Task Outputs with an Approval Requirement
The following diagram shows the lifecycle states of a Task Output that has approval requirement, and the available actions in each state.
Dependency Updates and the Requires Review Lifecycle State
Whether they require approval or not, all Task Outputs can also enter another lifecycle state, Requires Review.
This state exists to represent a Task Output that was previously Approved, when one of its Task's dependencies has been updated. There is no way to manually move a Task Output into the Requires Review lifecycle state.
A Task Output will move into Requires Review under the following conditions:
The Task Output was previously Approved
The owning Task has a dependency on the output of another task (the "upstream task output") and any of the following things has occurred:
The upstream task output's data has been altered (files uploaded or a form updated)
The upstream task output moved from Awaiting Approval back to Work In Progress
The upstream task output moved from Approved back to Work In Progress
The following diagram illustrates how the Requires Review state fits into the Task Output lifecycle:
A Task in the Requires Review state can be moved back to Approved via the NO CHANGE REQUIRED action, or can be moved to Work In Progress via the CHANGE REQUIRED action.