Centro Known Issues List

Centro Known Issues List


Admin WebApp
Editing Categories doesn't work
Unauthorized message shown in Admin page when user does not have Pipeline area access
AdminArea shows an error when user doesn't have "Access Pipeline Manager" permission
Create new user modal dismissed when invalid password
Expiration message in admin when location is not correct
After registration, user is shown incorrect error message
Error-checking validation for numeric values doesn't always leave the field red.
The delete location image file is missing
Archived project link is invisible when the user puts cursor on link
Re-add LDAPEnabled and LDAPSelectedType keys back to the centroSettings.config file
Login fails when setting LDAPEnabled to true
AdminArea: User page "toggle all" does nothing

BOM Manager
Horizontal scrollbar is shown because of the attribute section
Microsoft Edge: Font of name part is too small on Bom Compare page
bom manager metadata toolkit crash (tablet)
Incorrect button highlighting

Add the ellipsis in the end of too long partname
Clicking the current location on the CatalogNav clears the breadcrumbs
Some Challenge Mfg. NX Files are not Creating Thumbnails
Refresh kills name toggle.
Catalog Browser History should be Cleared so old Data is not Displayed

Catalog DataGrid
Allow Assembly DataGrid view to use AttributeFilters
Available columns in DataGrid are affected by what page you are on
Sorting/filtering when pagination is in effect only sorts/filters the current page
Change label CoG to CoM in DataGrid
Change the color of user
Make checkbox and Columns name in an one row
Datadoc panel changes location after pressing Enter button

Catalog PartView
Category name causes horizontal scroll on PartView page
Progress bar sometimes shows 200% completion
Error when checking in a resource without location
Impossible to uploade e-7094-01.pdf to catalog
Generate CAD action shows the result only after refreshing page
Check in button is disabled for Existing Resource
Back button doesn't work for assembly manager
False error msg appears when updating a file with a different file format than the original.
Conversion to PNG, SFW and CADtoCAD assembly mtm117.arc part throws exception
Checkin-tags disappear from selection list
Exception is thrown when user checks in the same file
Not correct file is renamed
The first request to 'DataGrid' throws exception
Checking in a File with no CHanges Causes Ambiguous Error
Releasing cursor out of color selection closes the generate modal
Empty tag opens the contextual menu
Misaligned loading indicator for generate modal
'Download selected' button is disabled
Horizontal scroll is not shown on PartView page
Regex error when typing associated filename of catalog part
No error message displayed when retrieving buckets fail
ACT3D files fail to create from Generate SpinFire ACT3D.
Generation thumbnail for part with long resource name breaks UI
Information on Show preview version for Data Doc is almost invisible
Unable to set thumbnail for manually created part
Failed to load image message appears when renaming a thumbnail resource.
The status of a checked out or checked in file is not updated in the Assembly Resource Manager.
Credentials are required to add a new catalog part on the demo server.
Link is invisible when user puts the mouse over the link
Exception is thrown when the user tries to add parts to new catalog that already exist for another one
Long tag name shoud be shown with ellipsis in the end.
Long name overlays warning message
Attribute Filters: deselecting a Resource/DataDoc should also unselect the properties
Spell check in and check out consistently.
Centro Control is not updating when new CAD file is Uploaded via Pipeline
Catalog Part Resource Upload - Does not upload full Assembyl
Error in console when the job finishes with error
Catalog: Two CatalogParts with the same Part Number
Opening URL of image/thumbnail causes download

Catalog Projects
Project page "Created" and "Modified" headers seem to be the wrong way around
Project Page Sorting by Headers only Sorts by Projects, not Parts in the Projects
Some dates are wrong in projects list
Default Project on "Catalog Home-Project" List Shows Incorrect Modified Date
Archived Project Still Shows on "Catalog Home-Project" List

Catalog Search
Invalid 3DSearchIndex dynamic properties error in quick publisher pipeline
DataDoc user's properties overrides Centro's properties in advanced search
ShapeSearchUploadRequest fails for files >2GB
Unable to fetch favorite searches.
Erroneous entries showing up in 3DSearch results
3D search index action throws exception for r64-1118_gen.asm.1 part
Add to 3D Search Index? checkbox is disabled
Advanced search editing triggers refresh even if not displayed
3D search results don't contain same details as other search results
WebSocket error is not shown when converting files for ShapeSearch in Search page
User sees shape search uploads even if they were added at a different location
Find duplicate/similar shapes throw exception
Favorite sharedsearches are not loaded on Home page
Sharing an existing search fails
Saved search are not renamed on Home page
Make hand-cursor for Default Search section
Search Page - Unable to drag search bars (tablet)
A favourited quick-search should also appear in the saved searches

Centro Connect
Sometimes toast notification doesn't show Display Name value
Error getting response from Centro
Tab button doesn't work on Setting window when the user loads the window by pressing Open Settings button
Repository Preview Handler frequently fails
Decide what to do about multiple Resources with the same Filename
After using "Add/Remove Resources", no icon is shown for new Resource/s
Two context menu entries appear if you favourite a Centro Connect folder
Icon doesn't show in the system tray after installation on Windows 7
CentroConnect: Part Selection window shows folder with empty CAD file.

Jobs Queued in Pipeline Hung up - Had to restart Arango
Windows Arango Service Keeps Crashing with Large Number of files

Distributed Deployment
InternalServerError occurs when uploading a resource from a pipeline with distributed deployment

Importer Options
Some CATIA V5 Files with PMI Fail to Import

Invalid Entry in CentroSettings.config When Installed on Windows 8.1
Capture ArangoDB username and password during install
The DefaultProject is not Associated to the Location
Exception is thrown when user tries to uninstall CentroConnect
Couldn't install Centro with the german language
The setup.bat deploy script fails when run from a UNC path
Add Ability for "CentroPool" Application Pool to Access Remote "CatalogResources " Folder
XML files missing from installation build

Password reset breadcrumb redirects user to Login page

Pipeline Host
There are a number of files that do not succeed on the CAD to SpinFire action.
h4083982_geo_fin001_001000.jt throws exception during CADtoCatalog action
Output files not deleted on upload error in Pipeline actions
External component has thrown an exception for spk_cover.stp during conversion to .sat type
CAD files with empty geometry causes exception in CadToSFAction
Generation SFW and ACT3D throws exception for HSF format
Watch and open archive (.ZIP)CAD data
Pipeline Fails to Generate .png for some NX .PRT File
Physical Properties: values appear to be wrong for Volume and Surface Area
Inventor top level assembly not publishing
XKit.exe can never terminate if hanging when HostService is down
Convert to .igs returns success but doesn't export anything for certain file(s)
Conversion to STL fails for some CAT5 parts

Pipeline Manager WebApp
Using If-Control causes DynamicProperties validation error, prevents saving Pipelines
CadToCatalog action is deleted when adding CopyFile action to IfControl
Pipeline jobs start even if the pipeline is paused
Quickpublisher starts with more concurrent jobs than 4
Live job updates don't always get displayed in the Activity view
Unknown error occurred while creating trigger instance
Pipeline is processing a folder as file
Magna - Errors reported on Ford Fender cladding assembly
Inconsistent status change of cancelled 'Starting' Job
JobExplorer error report does not seem to handle newlines
'Refresh' button in job explorer only refreshes the job dictionary
QuickPublisher Projects drop-down is obscured.
Upgrading from 7.1.1 to 7.2.0 does not properly upgrade pipelines containing the CAD to SpinFire Web action
Possible to open several dynamic properties drop-down lists
Pipelines live graph jobs count unreadable
System pipeline stops working for some reason
System pipeline needs to be able to be configured / or automatically deploy to available endpoints.
British spelling vs. American spelling of the word "behaviour"
Move action deletes the part that was moved before
Adding an If-control child can sometimes modify action order
The system pipeline fails to redeploy on startup
'Job explorer' page shows info about pipelines that were wiped via script
Impossible to create pipeline with umlauts in name
Datepicker looks as broken
CAD files are deleted before the pipeline can process the assembly file or other dependent files.
Change hyphenation on tool-tip
Translated text overflows on some trigger and action boxes for both Japanese and German.
Pipeline with "ResourceToCatalog" Action not uploading Documents Correctly
CAD to PNG Action: Double-byte chars cause HOOPS converter to fail
Selected extensions are saved on default form
CadToCatalog: unique constraint violated
Pipeline Exclude File Type - Does not work for ~$ Syntax
CadtoSpinFireWebAction takes too long
Websocket pipe events can be missed just after a pipeline gets deployed
Recent Events and Graph not showing any activity (Tablet)
JobsExplorer: Job which finished with errors has incorrect status
Resource To Catalog Action - Remove File After Upload Error
Exception thrown in CadToCatalog action
Sometimes I get crash in w3wp
AddCatalogResourceAction throws exception
Dots overlays the filepath on Job explorer page
Empty folders generated for failed files
Job timeout errors aren't always shown on the jobs explorer
Disable bom attribute compare for catalog2cad
DirectoryWatcher does not detect undo actions (restoring a recently deleted file, for example)
"Cancellations Requested" message comes too late
Unable to rerun a DirectoryWatcher Job which was CancelledWithErrors
DataToCatalog: "Replace all" option results in two history entries
Pipeline manager service will stop working after an user updates the installation
Pausing a pipeline should stop it before starting 'STARTING' jobs
Pipeline Manager: Using the "auto-incremented" file version appears inconsistent.
Dragging and Dropping CAD Files and Folders into Watched Directory does not Work
Catalog: The center of gravity differs than the center of mass calculated in SFU.
Cad2Cad: Implement conversion to .vrml format as soon as hoops converter supports that format
Rename command doesn't work in Run Process action
Percent symbol in textComplete needs an escape mechanism
No information about file in Job dictionary when user uses Time Trigger
TimeoutException when retrieving large numbers of jobs (10k-16k+)
Object Disposed Exception on stopping Pipeline Manager

Link on the "Implementing 3rd-party Actions" page in the SDK documentation should probably link elsewhere

SpinFire Web
Weird artifacts in SpinFire Web assembly tree
SFWeb Errors on Magna CATIA V5 Files - D544 Front and Rear Fascias
Bounding box coordinates for empty geometry models should be different.
When accessing SFW from the jobsheet, metadata is not available.
The searching for a part in the assembly tree in SFW does not work after using a std view.
SFW: The bounding box is not as tight as it could be for he hvac assembly.
Extra layer in the Assembly tree
Colours for Parasolid file do not show in SFW
sfw surface to surface measurement bug on mobile
SFW: Attributes are not loaded when the user addes resource and generate hwf file
Recent jobs with errors button is misleading
Exchange error while converting to SFW
Large assemblies do not load correctly in SFW
Points in CAD Files do not show in SFWeb
Impossible to select measurements
Align information tooltip icon in the Pipeline Configuration dialog
SpinFire Web - surface angle measurement not working
SpinFire Web - face to face distance measurement looks wrong
SFW: Error in console when user selects 'allshow' views
Annotation planes are not shown in PMI tree in SFW
Wrong View displaying on SFW
SFW: PMI text is invisible
Measurement units for physical properties are different in PartView and SFW
Smart Edge bug when zooming in
SFWeb Point to Point measurement does not complete the markup placement and will not release the cursor
SFW: Store data to catalog

Cookie is used for auth despite credentials entered on Swagger doc UI page
Upgrading CENTRO 7.1 to 7.2 Causes Issue with the WebApp
Re-run JobRequests route could expose security risk


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