Generate Now
Generate Now
Centro 7.6.3 Article
In order to Generate new files within the Part view screen. Click on the menu to the far right of the CAD file, then click on "Generate.." to choose what to Generate. If the settings have been configured beforehand you can just click on "Generate Now". It is important to note that these actions will be processed by Centro's System Pipeline. If this pipeline is not running it will cause errors. The default timeout for the Generate is 30 minutes, if the file is quite large it would be advisable to do the generation through a Pipeline or to ask your Administrator to adjust the System pipeline timeout if it only needs a slight increase.
For Generate Thumbnail you have the chooose to untick Ignore Views and PMI for the thumbnail image representing the CAD Part.
To Generate a new thumbnail, you can also choose to ignore the native CAD views saved in the file and the PMI, you can also disable measurements if you do not want this to be possible by the end users.
To Generate a new Actify ACT3D File, you can choose to include BReep, 3D Preview and Importer Options, additional Importer options can be created in the Admin area of Centro.
To do CAD2CAD, select the Generate CAD and then the option of conversion you want to do. This will add the file as a resource to the Part View screen.
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